Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Workout at Home. How to workout at Home and get gym quality results.

How to get Gym Quality Fitness by Working Out at Home.

Hey Fitness Fans,

Stephen Twomey here with you.  I travel in my job a decent amount. So on the days I do get to be home I typically do not want to leave the house and leave my wife and kids behind.  I want to maximize my time so driving 15 minutes to the gym and then back home is not high on my priority list.  I can however in 30-45 minutes get an amazing workout in, while at home.

So, my wife (who is 5 months pregnant) and I really like to do the DVD workout series from Beachbody.  Our favorites are P90X3, Insanity and T25.  Working out at home is great because we can exercise while our 18 month old son is sleeping!  We have been doing a lot of T25 lately because Focus T25 from ShaunT offers a low impact or modifier movement to go with each high impact exercise.  The modifier movement still uses compound movements and is almost as difficult as the high impact version, it is fantastic for people recovering from an injury, just starting out in fitness or in my wife's case, great for a pregnant woman.

T25 offers a good deal amount of cardio and a mix of body weight and a moderate amount of free weight exercises.  However, I really like to lift weights and lift heavier weights than are demonstrated in the T25 videos.  Nothing wrong with using light weights.  They have their time and place and man can they burn at the high reps!  However, to build those large dense muscles I am looking for, nothing beats heavy weights.

Exercises that can be done with minimal equipment at your house-

Dead Lifts- do dead lifts with dumbbells.
Squats- do squats with dumbbells, held out to the front or side depending on which muscle you want to work.
Chest Press- you can use dumbbells to chest press and do it on the ground, or a bosu ball.
Shoulder Press or Military Press- seated or standing shoulder presses really widen your shoulders and put muscle on the quickest.
Bicep Curls- Hammer curls, Regular Curls, any type of bicep curl is going to force the muscle to grow, just keep in mind the bicep is a smaller muscle and does not need to get worked as much as the chest as an example.
Triceps-  Tricep dips can be performed on a chair.  Elbows in push ups are great for triceps.

If you want a workout DVD system to follow along and where you can build muscle, look no further than Tony Horton's P90X3.  30 minute workouts get you stronger, more fit in a shorter amount of time.  Plus he is actually pretty fun to watch.

For more fitness ideas visit my YouTube Chanel.
Also visit our website!!!!

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